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Burndown Chart

DefinitionA burndown chart is a graphical representation of work left to do versus time.

Provide an introduction that touches on what the term is and how it fits into project management, highlighting benefits.

What Is a Burndown Chart?

A burndown chart is an essential tool in agile project management used to track the progress of projects. This visual representation helps teams and stakeholders understand how much work remains within a specific timeframe, usually a sprint or iteration.

The chart typically shows the total effort against the amount of work for each day of the sprint, providing a clear and simple visualization of the team’s progress towards their goals.

The chart’s simplicity allows for quick comprehension and can help identify when a project is off track. By updating the burndown chart regularly, teams can respond promptly to any delays or issues, making it a crucial part of maintaining productivity and ensuring successful project completion.

Burndown vs Burn-Up Chart

When it comes to project management visuals, both burndown and burn-up charts serve to track progress, but they do so in different ways. A burndown chart shows the amount of work that remains over time, starting with the total at the beginning of the sprint and burning down to zero.

In contrast, a burn-up chart displays the amount of work completed over time, alongside the total work scope, which can change as the project evolves.

The main difference lies in how they visualize scope changes and progress. Burndown charts are more focused on what is left to be done, while burn-up charts offer a clearer picture of what has been accomplished and how the scope has been altered.

Burn-up charts can provide a more comprehensive overview for stakeholders and are particularly useful for projects where the scope is expected to change frequently.

What Are the Benefits of a Burndown Chart?

Burndown charts offer several benefits, including:

  1. Visibility: They provide a clear and concise view of the project’s progress at a glance, which is easily understood by team members and stakeholders.
  2. Motivation: Visualizing the remaining work decreasing over time can serve as a motivational tool for teams.
  3. Predictability: By regularly updating the burndown chart, project managers can predict the likelihood of meeting deadlines and adjust plans accordingly.
  4. Simplicity: Burndown charts are simple to create and maintain, making them an accessible tool for all team members.
  5. Communication: They encourage transparency and can be an effective communication tool during team meetings and stakeholder updates.

When exploring the concept of a burndown chart, it is helpful to understand its relation to other terms and concepts within the realm of project management and productivity:

  • Agile Methodology: An approach to project management that emphasizes iterative work cycles, adaptability, and collaboration. Burndown charts are a staple in this methodology.
  • Scrum: A specific Agile framework that uses fixed-length iterations called sprints, where burndown charts are commonly used to track progress.
  • Sprint: A time period in Scrum during which specific work must be completed and made ready for review.
  • Project Backlog: The list of all tasks and requirements for a project. The burndown chart tracks the completion of these items.
  • Velocity: A metric in Agile that measures the amount of work a team can complete in a sprint, often used alongside burndown charts for planning and forecasting.


The burndown chart is a fundamental tool in project management, particularly within Agile and Scrum frameworks. It provides a visual representation of the work remaining in a project over time, enabling teams to track progress, manage time effectively, and maintain high levels of productivity.

The simplicity and clarity of the burndown chart make it an invaluable asset for keeping projects on course and ensuring transparent communication among all stakeholders. Whether used alone or alongside other tools like the burn-up chart, it contributes to a structured and adaptive project management approach.

Frequently Asked Questions About Burndown Chart

What Is the Purpose of a Burndown Chart?

A burndown chart is used to track the amount of work that has been completed in a project versus the amount of work that remains, over a specific timeframe. Its purpose is to visualize progress and help teams stay on schedule.

How Often Should a Burndown Chart Be Updated?

A burndown chart should be updated frequently, typically at the end of each day or after significant tasks are completed, to provide the most accurate picture of a project’s progress.

Can Burndown Charts Be Used in Non-Agile Projects?

Yes, while burndown charts are commonly associated with Agile methodologies, they can be adapted for use in various project management approaches to track progress and deadlines.

What Does It Mean If the Burndown Chart Line Is Flat?

A flat line on a burndown chart indicates that no progress has been made during that time period, which may signal a blockage or issue in the project that needs to be addressed.