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Sprint Review

Definition: Sprint Review is a meeting held at the end of a Sprint in Scrum to inspect the increment and adapt the Product Backlog if needed.

The Sprint Review is a crucial aspect of the Scrum framework, aimed at reviewing what was accomplished during the Sprint and determining future adjustments. It’s an opportunity for the Scrum team to demonstrate what they have built and for stakeholders to provide feedback.

Sprint Review vs Sprint Retrospective

The Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective are distinct yet complementary meetings in the Scrum process. The Sprint Review focuses on the product and the work done during the Sprint, involving stakeholders and team members to discuss progress and feedback.

The Sprint Retrospective, on the other hand, is a team-only meeting that focuses on evaluating the team’s processes and performance during the Sprint and identifying areas for improvement.

Tips For Running a Sprint Review

  1. Prepare Thoroughly: Ensure that all work to be reviewed is ready and that team members are prepared to discuss their contributions.
  2. Engage Stakeholders: Invite stakeholders and encourage their feedback to gain valuable insights and foster collaboration.
  3. Stay Focused on the Goal: Keep the meeting focused on the Sprint’s objectives and the progress towards the product goals.
  4. Facilitate Open Discussion: Create an environment where team members and stakeholders can openly discuss and provide constructive feedback.
  5. Review and Adapt the Backlog: Use insights from the meeting to update the Product Backlog, reflecting any changes or new requirements.
  • Product Owner: Manages the Product Backlog and ensures the team delivers value to the business.
  • Development Team: Professionals who do the work of delivering potentially shippable product increments at the end of each sprint.
  • Scrum Master: Ensures that the Scrum Team adheres to Scrum theory, practices, and rules.
  • Increment: The sum of all Product Backlog items completed during a sprint and all previous sprints.

Plan Your Next Sprint Review in Taskade

In conclusion, planning your next Sprint Review in a tool like Taskade can streamline the process, ensuring a more organized and effective meeting.

Taskade’s features facilitate collaboration, making it easier to share updates, gather feedback, and adjust plans accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sprint Review

What Is the Main Purpose of a Sprint Review?

The main purpose of a Sprint Review is to inspect the completed work of the current Sprint, gather feedback, and adapt the Product Backlog for future Sprints.

Who Should Attend a Sprint Review?

A Sprint Review should be attended by the Scrum team, the Product Owner, stakeholders, and sometimes customers, to review the work done and provide feedback.