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Parking Lot

Definition: A Parking Lot is a tool used during meetings, particularly during Sprint PlanningDaily Stand-ups, and Retrospectives, to manage and record topic items or issues that arise but are not immediately relevant to the current discussion. This helps keep Agile meetings focused and on track.

When a team member brings up a topic or issue that isn’t directly related to the current agenda, it’s added to the parking lot. This can be done on a whiteboard, a flip chart, or in a digital tool like Taskade.

By using the parking lot, the Scrum team ensures that the primary goals of the meeting are addressed without getting sidetracked by unrelated or less urgent matters. At the end of the meeting or at a designated time, the items in the parking lot are reviewed. The team decides how to address these topics and Daily Scrum tasks, whether by scheduling a separate discussion, assigning them to specific team members, or deciding they are no longer relevant.

Why Use A Parking Lot in Scrum?

Using a Parking Lot in Scrum is beneficial for several reasons. It helps in maintaining the flow of Scrum events like Daily Standups, Sprint Planning, and Retrospectives. By parking unrelated topic items, Agile teams can stay focused on the sprint goals and the agenda at hand.

It respects the time and contributions of all team members, ensuring that important but non-urgent issues are addressed at a more appropriate time. This method promotes efficiency and effectiveness in meetings, a key aspect of Scrum’s value of maximizing the amount of work not done, as per the Agile Manifesto.

In Scrum, the Parking Lot technique is particularly useful during Sprint Planning and Retrospectives.

During Sprint Planning, it helps in keeping the discussion aligned with sprint goals, avoiding the derailment of planning due to unrelated topics. In Retrospectives, it provides a space to note down issues and ideas that may not be directly related to the most recent sprint but are important for the team’s continuous improvement.

  • Scrum Master: The person who acts as a facilitator for Scrum teams, often responsible for managing the parking lot and ensuring meetings stay focused.
  • Sprint Planning: The meeting at the beginning of a sprint where tasks are selected and planned; a common place where the parking lot may be used.
  • Daily Scrum: A daily Scrum meeting for the development team to synchronize activities and assess progress, where off-topic discussions might be parked for later.
  • Sprint Review and Retrospective: Meetings at the end of the sprint where the parking lot can capture ideas for future improvement without derailing the current agenda.

Create Your Parking Lot in Taskade

Taskade is a collaborative tool that can be used to create and manage a Parking Lot for your Scrum meetings. To create a Parking Lot in Taskade:

  1. Set Up a Dedicated Space: Start by creating a new project or space in Taskade specifically for the Parking Lot.
  2. Define Categories: Organize your Parking Lot with categories or columns such as ‘To Discuss’, ‘Ideas’, ‘Questions’, and ‘Feedback’.
  3. Add Items: During meetings, quickly add topics that arise and are not part of the current agenda to the Parking Lot.
  4. Prioritize and Schedule: After the meeting, review the Parking Lot items. Prioritize them and schedule them for discussion in future meetings or for individual follow-up.
  5. Collaborate and Update: Allow team members to add, view, and update items in the Parking Lot, fostering collaboration and keeping everyone on the same page.

Using Taskade for your Parking Lot facilitates a visual and interactive approach. It enhances team collaboration and ensures that important topics are not overlooked while keeping meetings productive and on track.

Frequently Asked Questions About Parking Lot

What is the purpose of a parking lot in Scrum meetings?

The main purpose of a Parking Lot in Scrum meetings is to capture and set aside off-topic or non-urgent items that arise during discussions. This ensures that the meeting stays focused on its specific agenda, while still acknowledging important issues that can be revisited later.

How does a parking lot contribute to the efficiency of Scrum meetings?

A Parking Lot contributes to the efficiency of Scrum meetings by preventing the derailment of discussions due to unrelated or non-urgent topics. It helps in maintaining a clear focus on the sprint goals and the specific agenda of the meeting, leading to more productive and time-efficient gatherings.

Can the parking lot technique be used in other meeting formats besides Scrum?

Yes, the Parking Lot technique is versatile and can be effectively used in various meeting formats beyond Scrum. It is a general tool for managing discussions and can be adapted to suit the needs of different meeting types and management styles.

What goes in the parking lot?

A parking lot is used to capture topics or issues that arise during a meeting but are not immediately relevant to the current discussion. These items help keep the meeting focused on its main agenda. Commonly, the items can be written on a whiteboard, flip chart, or a digital tool like Taskade. They are reviewed later to decide on follow-up actions.

When should you address parking lot items?

Parking lot items should be addressed at the end of the meeting or at a scheduled time. This ensures that important but unrelated issues are not forgotten. The team can then decide if these items need further discussion, if they should be assigned to someone, or if they are no longer relevant. This approach keeps meetings efficient and on track.