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Website ADA Compliance Audit AI Prompt

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Website ADA Compliance Audit AI Prompt


Conduct an audit to ensure our website [URL] complies with the standards outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Start by reviewing the ADA guidelines and requirements for web accessibility. Perform a comprehensive audit of the websites design, content, and functionality to identify potential accessibility barriers. Document any issues found, such as lack of alt text, keyboard navigation problems, or contrast issues. Provide recommendations for remediation and improvements to meet ADA compliance standards. Include a timeline for implementing these changes and ongoing monitoring for accessibility.

Conduct an audit to ensure our website [URL] complies with the standards outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Start by reviewing the ADA guidelines and requirements for web accessibility. Perform a comprehensive audit of the websites design, content, and functionality to identify potential accessibility barriers. Document any issues found, such as lack of alt text, keyboard navigation problems, or contrast issues. Provide recommendations for remediation and improvements to meet ADA compliance standards. Include a timeline for implementing these changes and ongoing monitoring for accessibility.