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How to Write a Project Plan – The 7 Core Components

February 25, 2024 22 Min Read

Staring at your project, wondering where to start? Whether you’re a project management ninja or just learning the ropes, the first steps can be intimidating. Let’s learn how to write a project plan to make things a tad easier. In this guide, we outline the core steps for writing bulletproof project plans. You’ll learn how to define objectives, manage resources, and much more. Let’s get started. 👇 📐 Understanding Project…

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Best Agency Management Software

February 21, 2024 18 Min Read

Running an agency is a never-ending race — every minute counts, every detail matters. As your client list grows, so does the need for that secret ingredient: organization. This is where the best agency management software can help. We did the heavy lifting for you and picked out the top tools that support the agency hustle — from seamless project tracking to centralized communication. Here’s what you need to know…

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What Is Scope Creep and How Can It Be Managed?

February 17, 2024 23 Min Read

Some projects have a mind of their own. One minute, everything is on track; the next, you’re over budget and behind schedule. Scope creep is behind all of it. Take the Sydney Opera House, for example. What was supposed to be a straightforward, affordable project ended up taking 14 years and costing a small fortune. Then there’s the Boston Big Dig, a.k.a. the Central Artery Project, which grew from a…

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Top 10 AI Influencers to Watch in 2024

February 17, 2024 19 Min Read

It’s the 1950s, and a bunch of brilliant minds are huddled together at Dartmouth College. They’re laying the groundwork for what we now call artificial intelligence (AI). People like that may have been under the radar back then, but today, they’re top AI Influencers. This list puts together the brightest minds shaping the future of AI. You’ll learn who to follow to stay on top of the latest AI developments…

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⏰ Schedule Automations, Collaborate with AI Agents, Select AI Language, and More!

February 12, 2024 6 Min Read

Hi Taskaders 🚀, We’re thrilled to introduce new ways to supercharge your productivity. From scheduling your automations to deploying enhanced AI Agents, here’s the latest! 🤖 Schedule AI Automations Take control of your workflow with our new automation scheduler. With advanced scheduling options, including Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly triggers, you can set up tasks and workflows to run at specific times and intervals. Automate workflows seamlessly with your AI Agents (virtual workforce), connect…

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10 Top AI Tools for Agile Development

February 10, 2024 20 Min Read

Managing Agile projects makes you wish for a time machine to rethink your life decisions? We get it. Scope creep, overcommitment, communication gaps — it’s hard to manage it all without a reliable, digital toolbox. The good news is we have created one for you, filled with the top AI tools for Agile development. In today’s article, we’re unpacking a lineup AI platforms that will make a real difference in…

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Creating Customer Service SOPs: A Guide for Streamlining Your Support

February 2, 2024 20 Min Read

Why did the customer service agent cross the road? Well, of course, to deliver exceptional service. Ok, enough with the roadside humor. Let’s face it: customer service is hard. It’s a dance of patience, empathy, and in-depth knowledge of processes. This guide will help you write and implement customer service SOPs to ace all three. ✅ Understanding SOPs Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) have been a cornerstone in various industries for…

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7 Ways AI Can Help You Manage Your ADHD Today

February 1, 2024 14 Min Read

Research shows that ADHD affects executive functioning and… wait, what were we saying? Classic ADHD moment right there. But what if we told you that you can unlock your full potential and tame the chaos with these AI tools for ADHD? WHO crunched some numbers and found that ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) may add up to 22 days of list productivity annually.(1)  That’s a whole lot of missed opportunities…

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Best 8 AI-Powered Tools for Automation

February 1, 2024 21 Min Read

Tired of feeling like you’re stuck in a rut, doing the same old tasks over and over? We feel you. But what if we told you there’s a way to shake things up and work smarter, not harder? Enter AI-powered automation tools – your new best friends for maximum efficiency! 🤖 These bad boys aren’t just about speeding through your to-do list (though they rock at that too). They’re all…

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Best AI Tools For Consultants 

January 31, 2024 23 Min Read

As a consultant, managing multiple client projects can seem like a herculean task. But fear not! With the right AI tools in your arsenal, you’ll be well-equipped to transform these daunting tasks into a breeze—making both your life and your client’s business smoother than ever. Today, we’ll be going over some of the best AI tools that can help your workflow and productivity as a consultant. What Are AI Tools…

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🤖 Introducing Taskade AI Automation & Agents

January 29, 2024 7 Min Read

Hi Taskaders 🚀, Exciting news – Taskade AI Automation is officially live! 🎉 Get ready to 10x your productivity and be among the first to harness the power of AI agents and automations in your workflows. 🤖 Welcome to Taskade AI Automation Revolutionize your workflows with Custom AI Agents, your virtual team members. Build and train AI agents to answer questions, generate content, streamline processes, and more, integrating seamlessly into any workflows. Learn more. 🤖 Automate with…

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Mastering AI Prompting: A Guide for Writing Effective Prompts for Large Language Models (LLMs)

January 29, 2024 37 Min Read

Interacting with AI models like GPT-4 or Llama 2 is easy. You type a prompt — a set of instructions for the AI — and wait for the magic to happen. 🪄 Except, sometimes the results are not quite what you expected. But don’t worry, because this guide will help you up your AI prompting game. Here’s the thing — in the world of artificial intelligence, your words are your…

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