
πŸ€– Introducing Taskade AI Automation & Agents

January 29, 2024 7 Min Read

Hi Taskaders 🚀,

Exciting news – Taskade AI Automation is officially live! 🎉 Get ready to 10x your productivity and be among the first to harness the power of AI agents and automations in your workflows.

🤖 Welcome to Taskade AI Automation

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Revolutionize your workflows with Custom AI Agents, your virtual team members. Build and train AI agents to answer questions, generate content, streamline processes, and more, integrating seamlessly into any workflows. Learn more.

🤖 Automate with AI Agents

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Automate your tasks, workflows, and communication with Custom AI Agents. Utilize their expert knowledge and custom prompts and AI commands for smarter and more efficient task delegation and automation. Learn more.

🤖 Seamless Workflow Integrations

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Connect effortlessly with your favorite tools like SlackGoogle SheetsTypeformWordPress, and more to automate various aspects of your workflows. Discover limitless possibilities. Learn more.

⚡️ Start with Pre-made Workflows 

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Begin your AI automation journey with our range of pre-made Automation Workflows, designed for your convenience. Learn more.

💬  Chat with AI Agents in Projects 

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Collaborate and communicate with Custom AI Agents in your projects. Create and interact with your virtual AI team for enhanced collaboration. Learn more.

Other Improvements:

  • New: Launching Taskade AI Automation: Step into the future with AI-driven productivity! Simplify your workflows and get things done smarter.
  • New: Automate with AI Agents:
    • Ask Agent:  Get insights from your custom-trained AI Agents. 
    • Run Agent Command: Execute automations through your Custom AI Agents with your own knowledge and instructions.
  • New: Taskade AI in Automation:
    • Ask AI: Get insights and suggestions directly from AI.
    • Generate with AI: Generate content, lists, and more.
    • Respond with AI: AI responses to streamline your workflows. 
  • New: Taskade Internal Actions and Triggers
    • Webhook Support: Trigger workflows based on external events
    • Project Creation: Automate the creation of new projects
    • Task Creation: Simplify task creation with automated actions
    • Comment Notifications: Automated alerts for new comments
    • Task Completion: Automated alerts when tasks are completed
    • Task Due Reminders: Automated reminders for upcoming tasks due
  • New: External Integrations, Triggers, and Actions:
    • Calendly: Streamline your scheduling and event organization
    • Gmail (Coming soon): Send and receive emails
    • Google Forms: Simplify data collection from form submissions
    • Google Sheets: Manage and analyze spreadsheet data
    • Mailchimp: Enhance your email marketing campaigns
    • Slack: Integrate Slack for improved team communication
    • SurveyMonkey (Coming soon): Gather feedback effortlessly
    • Twilio: Enhance communications with powerful Twilio integrations
    • Typeform: Simplify data collection from survey submissions
    • Webflow: Simplify data collection from form submissions
    • WordPress: Automate post creation and content management
    • More coming soon… Share your feedback here
  • New: Features for Custom AI Agents:
    • Enhanced Toolbar Integration: Custom AI Agent commands are now part of the task add-on menu and multi-select toolbar
    • Background Task Management: Custom AI Agents now handle background tasks during multi-task selections
  • New: AI Agents Chat in Projects: Now featuring integrated agent chat for better collaboration with your virtual AI team workforce in projects.
  • New: AI Workflow Generator now supports external sources, from Web Links to YouTube, enhancing your project crafting with personalized content. Prompt Templates are also integrated for more versatility
  • Enhanced AI interactions and resolved automation scheduling and chat issues for smoother workflows.
  • Improved project management with upgraded settings display and added functionalities for a better user experience.
  • Strengthened AI security across the platform for enhanced data and workflow protection.
  • Streamlined onboarding process, making it easier and more intuitive for new users to get started with Taskade AI.
  • Implemented various bug fixes and performance upgrades.

Welcome to 2024 with Taskade AI Agents and Automations! Gear up for a year filled with exciting new features and enhancements to amp up your workflow and productivity.

Remember, our Help Center or Feedback Forum are always here for your questions and suggestions. Cheers to a transformative and AI-powered year at Taskade! 🚀

— Team Taskade 🐑

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