
Zapier Integrations on Taskade: How to Automate Your Workflow

By Dawid Bednarski September 27, 2022 10 Min Read

The day has come. Taskade has partnered with Zapier to give you access to powerful integrations that will boost your productivity. 🚀 You can now automate your workflow by combining Taskade with 5000+ top-notch apps in a few clicks.

🟠 “Ok, but What Is Zapier?”

Zapier is the biggest (and arguably the most popular) workflow automation platform in the wild. It enables different apps to “communicate” and exchange data so you don’t have to copy things manually from one tool to another. Isn’t that cool?

Every integration is governed by a Zap, an automated workflow that acts as a bridge between two or more apps in your toolbox. A Zap includes a trigger (an event that kicks off the Zap) and at least one action or step the Zap performs when a trigger is present.

You can use Zaps in many creative ways. For instance, Zapier can automate your marketing pipeline and push new Typeform leads to Taskade as tasks. You can even set a trigger for new comments and mentions on social media so you stay on top of things 24/7.

Here are a few more ideas for using Taskade with Zapier. 👇

🤖 4 Ideas for Automating Your Taskade Workflow With Zapier

Turn Calendar Events Into Actionable Tasks

Let’s face it. Staying on top of all meetings and events is tough. It gets even more complicated when you have to juggle several calendar apps for personal and business stuff.

Sure, you can see upcoming events in a nice calendar spread. But wouldn’t it be nice if you could turn them into a list of actionable tasks you can easily prioritize?

All you need to do is connect Taskade to a calendar service like Gmail or Outlook and set up a Zap that will automatically convert new or existing calendar events into tasks.

Use these templates to set up your first Zap. 👇

Aggregate Tasks and Notes From Other Platforms

“I’m using tool A to take notes, but I keep all my tasks in tool B.”

That’s a productivity nightmare if we’ve ever seen one. Unfortunately, fragmented workflows are the norm these days. A study by Cornell University’s Ellis Idea Lab found that workers burn an average of 59 minutes just to scope information hidden within multiple apps.

Instead of grappling with a fragmented workflow, you can pick up the pieces and bring them under one roof. A simple Zap will automatically import tasks, notes, cards, and database items from Notion, Asana, Trello, or Evernote, just to name a few, to your Taskade Project.

Use these templates to set up your first Zap. 👇

Send Important Inbox Emails as Tasks

There are few bigger productivity killers than an inbox clogged up with spam, newsletters, unsolicited pitches, and a few genuine messages sprinkled on top. It’s a nightmare.

Cleaning up your inbox to get to inbox zero is a noble goal. But chances are you don’t have much time left on a regular workday to sort through all incoming emails at once. That means every time you check email, you waste time and get distracted because there’s so much clutter.

The alternative?

You can set up a Zap that will automatically create a new task in Taskade every time you star an email in your inbox. Instead of sorting through all that noise, you can simply get all the details straight to your Taskade Project and take action.

Use these templates to set up your first Zap. 👇

Aggregate Content Feeds Inside a Project

There’s a ton of valuable (and free) information out there. Blogs, articles, YouTube videos, Reddit threads, Tweets, it’s like a content Disneyland, minus a tour guide.

You can now combine all those content sources into the ultimate daily digest list. All you need is a simple Zap that will pull updates from your favorite sites and push them as tasks to Taskade.

You can personalize each Zap so that new tasks include details like publication date, author, snippet, and link to the source. You can even create Zaps for content management and bookmarking tools like Pocket or RSS to get a rundown of interesting bits from around the web.

Use these templates to set up your first Zap. 👇

🏗 How to Set Up Your First Zap

Before you can start creating Zaps, you need a Zapier account. Jump over here to create one here for free. The basic tier lets you set up 5 zaps and run 100 tasks each month.

  • After signing up, click the ➕ Create Zap button in your Zapier Dashboard
  • Pick Taskade as a Trigger or Action for your Zap
  • Choose an Event from the drop-down list and click Continue
  • Sign in to your Taskade account to connect it to Zapier
  • Choose the correct Workspace, Folder, and Project in the Trigger section
  • Test your Zap to see if everything works

Taskade currently supports Due Date as a trigger and Create Task as an action. We’re working on implementing more actions and triggers so keep an eye on our Product Updates page to stay up to date with new features. Here are a few actions/triggers coming next:

  • Assigned or completed tasks
  • New Projects in a Workspace/Folder
  • New tasks in a Project
  • Task updates in a Projects
  • Edited, assigned, or completed Projects

🤹‍♀️ Other Integrations You Can Use in Taskade

Zaps are just one way of integrating Taskade with other popular apps and tools. Here are a few more alternative methods for importing your data from other platforms.

🔵 Trello

Taskade comes with a dedicated Trello import feature that lets you turn a Trello board into a new Taskade Project. All you need to do is navigate to your Workspace/Folder, click the arrow next to the ➕ New Project button, and choose TrelloImport.

trello import

🔴 Markdown

Who doesn’t love Markdown? It’s universal, easy to learn, and minimalist to the core. Taskade supports Markdown in chat, comments, and the Quick Add widget. Bust most importantly, you can import Markdown syntax from other platforms that support .md files including:

To import Markdown, open your Workspace/Folder, click the arrow next to the ➕ New Project button, and choose MarkdownImport. Upload your .md file or copy the Markdown syntax directly into the Import menu to preserve the status of completed tasks.

markdown import

🟡 Calendar

Finally, let’s talk about calendar integrations. While Zaps let you turn calendar events into tasks, you can synchronize Taskade with Apple, Outlook, and Google calendars to see scheduled tasks and Projects in your favorite calendar app.

Here’s how to enable calendar sync:

  1. Click your avatar (top right-hand corner) and select ⚙️ Settings
  2. Navigate to the Integrations tab and Generate API Token
  3. Copy the URL and follow the instructions to sync with your calendar

If you’re a Taskade Unlimited user, you can also enable two-way synchronization with the Google Calendar to manage Taskade Projects and tasks in Google Calendar and vice versa!

Visit 📆 Google Calendar Two-Way Sync to learn more.

And that’s it! 🥳

🐑 Parting Words

Zaps are a powerful tool for transforming all kinds of workflows. Whether you want to cut down on repetitive tasks or just get work done with your team, our new integration will do the heavy lifting for you. If you want to learn more about Zaps, read Taskade + Zapier for details.

Not a Taskade user? Sign up for a free account and get work done the easy way! 👈

Till next time! 👋