
🤖 Password Protect, Generate Questions, My Tasks Panel, Publish Links

By Dawid Bednarski June 13, 2023 4 Min Read

Hi Taskaders,

This update enhances security for your projects, supercharges your brainstorming sessions, and streamlines the project management experience in Taskade. Have fun!

You can now add password protection when sharing projects for an additional layer of security and to limit project re-sharing. Try it in the Share menu. Learn more

Password-protected projects.

💭 Generate Questions in Mind Map View

Generate a list of questions, brainstorm fresh ideas, or break nodes into subtasks from a single node selection. Unleash your imagination in your future brainstorming sessions. Learn more

Mind map generator.

✅ My Tasks Panel

Click on any task in the My Tasks screen to open the new Task Detail panel. Look up task details, or reschedule and reassign tasks with ease, all from your current screen, for a faster, more streamlined project management experience. Learn more

Task Detail panel inside My Tasks.

🌐 Publish Projects and Templates

You can now share public, read-only links for your projects and templates. This makes the sharing and publishing process simpler and more secure. We’re working on other customization options that will give you better control of your published projects, so stay tuned! Learn more

Publish project.

🌟 Other Improvements

  • New: AI brainstorm and subtask commands are now accessible in a Mind Map drop-down
  • New: AI Assistant now supports Replace in all commands
  • New: AI usage meter is now live to help you track AI credits usage
  • New: Audio and camera buttons added to chat and comment sections for enhanced asynchronous communication
  • Improved: Search functionality with better task labeling, count aggregation, and restored #hashtag and @mention search
  • Improved: “Upcoming” section in My Tasks now includes today’s tasks
  • Improved: Text Replacement — Enhancements now keep formatting and attachments intact while replacing and inserting multiple sub-tasks
  • Improved: Workspace settings now include a Security tab for all projects
  • Improved: Onboarding now includes download links for mobile / desktop apps
  • Improved: Improved Chat user experience
  • Improved: Embed project customizations
  • Improved: Localization and translations for international users 
  • Improved: Workspace and project invites user experience
  • Fixed: Safari browser animation issue
  • Various bug fixes and performance improvements

Thank you for being part of this journey. Stay tuned for more exciting updates! 

Do you have any questions? Visit our Help Center or let us know. 😊

— Team Taskade 🐑

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