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Remote work

Enhancing Team Collaboration and Productivity with Taskade AI

March 3, 2024 18 Min Read

It’s been a while since we discussed team collaboration on the blog. But now that we’ve introduced more cool AI-powered features into Taskade (we’ll get to that in a bit), it’s the perfect time to revisit the topic. So, grab your coffee, and let’s get started. ☕️ New to the topic? Start with the basics of project management. Here’s the thing — even in the world of AI, effective team…

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Best Agency Management Software

February 21, 2024 18 Min Read

Running an agency is a never-ending race — every minute counts, every detail matters. As your client list grows, so does the need for that secret ingredient: organization. This is where the best agency management software can help. We did the heavy lifting for you and picked out the top tools that support the agency hustle — from seamless project tracking to centralized communication. Here’s what you need to know…

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15 Top AI Content Marketing Tools for Remote Teams

January 19, 2024 23 Min Read

Hey there, fellow content creators! We’re all familiar with the hurdles: quality content, teamwork, and racing against the clock. But don’t worry. We’ve scoured the digital landscape and brought together a collection of the best AI content marketing tools that will supercharge your remote team’s workflow. So, without further ado, let’s dive in. 👇 ✏️ AI-Powered Writing, Editing, and Collaboration Tools Taskade  Ever found yourself drowning in a sea of…

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11 Best AI Productivity Tools for Teams in 2024

December 16, 2023 19 Min Read

Thomas Edison once said, “There’s a way to do it better with AI — find it.” Okay, he didn’t actually mention AI, but if he could see us now, he probably would. Let’s skip the usual fanfare about progress and dive right into practicality. AI is transforming how teams work and collaborate, so we did the heavy lifting to find the best AI productivity tools for teams you should check…

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9 Top AI Brainstorming Tools for Virtual Teams in 2024

December 8, 2023 18 Min Read

The boundaries of creativity and collaboration are being redrawn, thanks to artificial intelligence. You no longer need to imagine brainstorming sessions where ideas flow seamlessly, not just from human minds but from the depths of AI-driven technology. These top AI brainstorming tools for virtual teams will help you do all that and more. So, without further ado, let’s dive in. 👇 🤖 Virtual Brainstorming in the Era of AI Remote…

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14 Best AI Collaboration Tools for Remote Teams (Updated 2024)

December 4, 2023 34 Min Read

Ever wondered how remote teams manage to stay on the same page, thousands of miles and several time zones apart? Team culture, positive leadership, and clear communication are key ingredients. But they are not enough. In a world where remote work is no longer just an option, the best AI collaboration tools have become the secret sauce of successful, seamless collaboration. 👨‍💻 In this article, we dive into the crème…

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Embracing AI in Project Management: Reimagining the Way We Plan and Execute Projects

May 24, 2023 21 Min Read

The IBM 7090 computer tasked with trajectory calculations at mission control for the Apollo 11 space mission had a clock speed of about 2 MHz, but it still managed to take humans to the moon and back, a wildly ambitious and high-stakes project by any standards. Fast-forward a little over 50 years, AI project management tools running on a regular smartphone let project managers plan, manage, and execute complex projects…

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The Anatomy of an Effective Meeting

November 22, 2022 15 Min Read

“How to run an effective meeting?” If you’re a team manager, this question is probably enough to keep you up at night. And you’re not alone. Many senior managers (71% to be exact) believe meetings are a waste of time and 64% say meetings interfere with deep, focused work.(1)  The good news? Your next meeting can still be time well spent. That’s as long as you follow the tips from…

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Simple Productivity Tools to Empower ADHD Employees Working Remotely (Updated 2024)

June 10, 2022 14 Min Read

From getting work done efficiently, getting along with colleagues, to getting to meetings on time. These are some of the things we all struggle with on a typical workday. But what if you have ADHD and you work remotely?  366 million adults suffer from ADHD globally(1). If you’re one of them, chances are you’ve been facing a fair share of time management, focus, and organization challenges ever since work from…

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14 Best Video Conferencing Apps for Virtual Meetings in 2024 (Features & Pricing Reviewed)

January 19, 2022 38 Min Read

According to Gartner’s Digital Worker Experience Survey, near 80% of the global workforce is using collaboration software. That’s 44% more compared to the pre-pandemic world. No wonder many remote teams are on the hunt for the best video conferencing software to use in 2024.(1) But there’s more. A 2021 report by Transparency Market Research predicts that the global video collaboration industry will grow to $11.56 billion by 2027.(2) That’s hardly…

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Want the Best Startup Tools for Your Remote Team? Not So Fast!

November 16, 2021 24 Min Read

What are the best startup tools? Well, the ones that A) work as advertised, and B) your team actually wants to use. Simple enough, except compiling a well-integrated digital toolbox can be tricky. Here’s how to avoid common mistakes when building a dream startup stack. 🚀 Before you launch… We’ve covered a fair bit of startup ground on the blog. Be sure to check other similar articles when you’re done…

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Are You Busy or Productive? A Remote Worker’s Perspective

October 28, 2021 23 Min Read

Busy or productive? If you’re like most fellow remoters, you probably find the two interchangeable. After all, checking off to-dos, replying to emails, making calls, and tackling errands all feel equally empowering, regardless of the nomenclature. But if that’s the case, why are burnout rates among remote workers on the rise? Multiple studies have found that ever since the pandemic started, we’ve been clocking in way more hours than we…

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