
πŸ€–Β New Web & YouTube AI Sources, Agent Sharing, AI Block Creation, Quick Add Shortcut, and More!

December 18, 2023 7 Min Read

Hi Taskaders 🎉

As we wrap up 2023, we’re excited to share our final update of the year, a special thanks to you for being part of this journey towards AI-powered productivity.

Brace yourself for an exciting 2024 with Taskade Automation, enhanced Custom AI Agents, and Autonomous Task Agents, all set to redefine your workflows.

🌐 Add Web Links to AI

Introducing our first external knowledge source. Now, you can generate new projects, mind maps, and workflows with web sources, and also personalize your Custom AI Agents with deeper insights from any web source. Learn more.

Generate Workflows with Sources (Web Links, Youtube, and more)
Generate Workflows with Sources (Web Links, YouTube, and more)
agent add wiki hd
Train your Custom AI Agents with External Sources, Knowledge

📺 Add YouTube Links to AI

Incorporate YouTube videos as knowledge sources for your AI Workflow Generator and Custom AI Agents. Use these new insights to personalize how you brainstorm ideas, generate content, and so much more.  Learn more.

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Add YouTube Links to your Custom AI Agents and Workflow Generator
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Utilize Personalize Custom AI Agents in your Projects and Mind Maps via /slash commands!

🤖 Share Custom AI Agents 

Easily share and copy your Custom AI Agents across workspaces for collaboration. Publish them for broader use and duplication. Learn more.

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Share & Embed Custom AI Agents
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Copy and Duplicate across Workspaces

✍️ Generate Blocks with AI 

Instantly create new blocks with AI across all project views, such as generating a new column in your Project Board. Browse our new AI Prompt Library to brainstorm, plan, or organize better with Taskade AI. Learn more.

add block generator hd
add block generator hd

⌨️ Quick Add Shortcut for Desktop

You can now use CTRL + SPACE to access Quick Add in our Mac, PC, and Linux desktop apps! For the web app, simply use ⌘ / CTRL + K.  Learn more.

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Quick Add with CTRL + SPACE in Taskade’s Desktop Apps

🎉 Other Improvements:

  • New: Taskade Automation is now in Alpha. Contact us for early access
  • New: Web & YouTube Links support to enrich Taskade AI & Custom Agents 
  • New: Custom Agent sharing, copying, and improved agent management
  • New: Custom Agent Templates for a variety of use cases and expertise
  • New: Language Support for Czech, Slovak, and Bahasa Indonesia
  • New: Google Contacts Integration in project sharing and collaboration
  • New: API for AI Agent Creation – Streamline the creation of AI agents
  • New: API for AI Agent Public Sharing – Easily generate links to share AI agents
  • Improved: Custom Agent Knowledge Management with new media selection 
  • Improved: AI and Editor Enhancements for a more intuitive user experience
  • Improved: Media Q&A Chat using the latest GPT-4 Turbo model and search
  • Fixed: Various bugs across Taskade AI & GPT-4 Turbo for increased stability
  • And many more user experience improvements and optimizations!

🎄 As the holiday season arrives, we take a moment to reflect on 2023 — a pivotal year in shaping the future of productivity and AI at Taskade. This year was filled with advancements in AI technology, culminating in the launch of our AI Workflow Generator, Custom AI Agents, AI Chat, and much more.

The coming year promises even more innovation. Get ready for Taskade Automation, further enhancements in Custom AI Agents, Autonomous Task Management, and other features, all designed to elevate your work experience to new heights.

Happy holidays and best wishes from the entire Taskade team! Keep an eye out for more exciting updates ahead! Questions? Visit our Help Center or just reach out. 😊

Cheers to a year of growth and an even brighter, AI-driven future at Taskade! 🚀

— Team Taskade 🐑

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