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Spot the Difference: Remote Project Manager vs. Product Manager

March 1, 2021 27 Min Read

What does it take to become a remote project manager? How to manage a distributed product team? The new remote reality calls for an overhaul of existing PM practices in both worlds. Here’s everything you need to know. 💡 Before you start… This guide is part of our series on remote team management, be sure to read other articles for more tips. 🤔 It’s a PM’s World… Meaning What? It’s…

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Team Productivity Guide: How to Build Faster Remote Teams

March 1, 2021 28 Min Read

Managing a (remote) team is like dashing through the dungeons in Crypt of the Necrodancer. Move, wait, attack, regroup… your team acts and reacts in a very distinct rhythm. The question is: “How to adjust that rhythm to increase team productivity?” Here’s the thing. Distributed teams—yours included— CAN be more effective than their co-located counterparts. They can plan, communicate, make decisions, and get work done faster and with less friction…

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Losing to Distractions? Boost Team Focus With Deep Work in 2024!

February 16, 2021 23 Min Read

No cubicle can match the comfy vibes of getting work done at home. But is your home office your temple? Is it free from distractions and pesky diversions? If not, it’s time to brush up on your routine and embrace the power of deep work. ⚡️ In today’s article, we take a look at Cal Newport’s deep work philosophy. We also adopt some of its principles to capitalize on focus…

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Virtual Meeting Checklist: Run Better Meetings With Your Remote Team

February 16, 2021 25 Min Read

Virtual meetings are the perfect case study for Murphy’s law. Anything that can go wrong—hardware/software problems, poor participation, constant distractions—will go wrong. That is unless you have our virtual meeting checklist to save the day. In today’s article, we tackle some of the most common remote meeting problems. We also suggest a handful of solutions that’ll make your virtual meetings much more digestible. 💡Before you start… This guide is part…

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Remote Work Burnout in 2024? Follow These 5 Simple Steps to Recover

January 30, 2021 19 Min Read

Have you always dreamed of working from home but now feel exhausted, dissatisfied, and isolated? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. While the shift to remote work has panned out for many, some telecommuters are still suffering from remote work burnout.  The COVID-19 pandemic has proved that remote work is the future of work. But it also showed that we need to adopt it gradually and with due preparations.  Technical hiccups,…

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Build Effective Remote Teams With Atomic Habits

January 30, 2021 22 Min Read

The remote paradigm shift has made many of the “old ways” of office culture obsolete. Whether you’re a work-from-home freelancer, distributed team member, or a business owner, it’s time to build completely new remote habits and get things done in 2021. The good news is you don’t need ambitious goals or a spectacular 180 to become “the best you can be.” Instead, you should implement tiny, incremental changes that’ll put…

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How to Evaluate Startup Ideas (50+ Questions and 16 Free Templates Inside)

January 23, 2021 29 Min Read

Once in a while, we all come across awesome ideas that have the potential to change the world. The tricky part is evaluating startup ideas, separating the wheat from the chaff, and acting on real gems with fine business potential. Here’s what you’re going to learn in this article: 💡 Before you start… Each section of this article comes with several handy templates that’ll make evaluating startup ideas much easier….

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Project Emoji Icon, Monday Calendar, Date Formatting

January 18, 2021 2 Min Read

Hi Taskaders  🎉 We have an exciting update to help you kick-start your week. Enjoy! 📄 Project Emoji Icon Each project now has a customizable emoji. Select any you like. 📆 Calendar Formatting You can now set your calendar to start on Monday or any day of the week in settings. Thanks again for supporting Taskade, and as always, don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help. We’re here for you!…

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Knowledge Sharing With Your Remote Team: Build a Smarter Team Today

January 18, 2021 22 Min Read

The pandemic has not only changed the way we live and work. It’s also given new momentum to upskilling and workplace education in general. To properly address those changes, remote teams need to cultivate a culture of knowledge sharing. In today’s guide, we take a look at the benefits of knowledge sharing. We also break down several methods for implementing in a remote workplace. Here are a handful of questions…

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2020 Year in Review: Taskade and the Future of Remote Work

December 31, 2020 10 Min Read

Hello Taskaders! 👋 With 2021 just around the corner, we thought a proper closure would be in order. After all, is there anybody who’s not eager to wave 2020 goodbye? When we started Taskade, we wanted to create a remote-native tool, built by and designed for remote teams. Taskade was meant to bridge the communication, collaboration, and coordination gap and make remote work fun. This year put all those goals…

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From WeWork to Remote: Virtual Coworking Space for Distributed Teams

December 28, 2020 26 Min Read

The pandemic has left your work-from-home motivation reserves dry? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. The intrinsic drive is only one part of the productivity equation. You still need social interactions to keep the ball rolling. Enter virtual coworking. In this article, we dig deep to uncover the benefits of virtual coworking spaces. We also show you how you can create one for your distributed team. 💡 Before you start……

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Collaborative Note-Taking: Helping Remote Teams Stay Organized

December 28, 2020 32 Min Read

Collaborative note-taking has a solid track record in the academic world. It helps students distribute workload, patch up revision materials, and mix in different points of view. Now, with a bit of tinkering, you can also turn it into a remote team superpower! In today’s article, we revisit Niklas Luhmann’s Zettelkasten and discuss three popular note-taking techniques. We’ll also show you how you can combine the two ingredients to create…

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