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👥 UX/UI Bots

Enhance user experience and interface design with AI prompts, aiding in the creation of intuitive and user-friendly digital products.

Develop user personas AI Prompt

Develop detailed user personas for our platform [Platform Name] to better understand our target audience and improve the design. Start by defining the platform’s objectives and key features. Create fictional user profiles that represent different segments of our audience, considering factors like demographics, goals, pain points, and behavior patterns. Include persona names, photos, and detailed […]

Create Design System AI Prompt

Establish a design system for our platform [Platform Name] to streamline design and development workflows. Document the design principles, color palette, typography, iconography, and UI components. Define usage rules and provide examples for applying the design system across different contexts. Ensure that the system promotes consistency and efficiency while offering enough flexibility for creativity. Facilitate […]

Optimize App Performance AI Prompt

Analyze and improve the performance of our mobile application [App Name] for a smoother user experience. Start by identifying performance bottlenecks through diagnostic tools. Evaluate the app’s responsiveness, speed, and resource consumption. Implement strategies for optimizing code, reducing load times, and enhancing the responsiveness of UI elements. Consider using lazy loading, efficient data retrieval, and […]

UX Research Outreach AI Prompt

Write an email to [Name], a valued user, inviting them to a UX research interview, where their valuable feedback will help shape our product. Begin by expressing appreciation for their continued support and use of our product. Explain the purpose and importance of the UX research interview in improving the user experience. Provide details about […]

Create design wireframes AI Prompt

Create design wireframes for our platform [Platform Name] to translate user needs and business goals into effective design solutions. Begin by defining the key features and functionalities of the platform. Consider user personas and their requirements. Develop wireframes that outline the layout, navigation, and user interface elements. Specify the placement of key components, such as […]

Improve website accessibility AI Prompt

Identify and implement ways to enhance the accessibility of our platform [Platform Name] to make it more user-friendly for people with disabilities. Begin by conducting an accessibility audit to identify areas of improvement. Consider the needs of users with various disabilities, including visual, auditory, and motor impairments. Develop a plan to address accessibility issues, including […]

Design responsive web pages AI Prompt

Design responsive web pages for our platform [Platform Name] to ensure a good user experience on multiple devices. Start by defining the key features and functionalities of the platform. Create wireframes and mockups for various pages, including the homepage, user dashboard, and product listings. Specify design elements, layout, and navigation that adapt seamlessly to different […]

Create mobile app design AI Prompt

Design a user-friendly and visually stunning mobile app for our platform [Platform Name]. Start by defining the core features and functionality of the app. Consider the target user demographics and their preferences. Craft an intuitive user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design that ensures ease of navigation and engagement. Specify the color scheme, typography, […]

Develop website user experience AI Prompt

Develop a user-friendly experience for our website [Website Name] to increase user satisfaction. Begin by conducting a website usability audit to identify pain points and areas for improvement. Consider the target audience and their needs. Create a user-centered design that prioritizes intuitive navigation, clear information architecture, and responsive design for mobile users. Specify improvements to […]

Create user flows AI Prompt

Create intuitive user flows for our platform [Platform Name] to enhance user experience. Begin by defining the key user tasks and goals. Develop user flows that guide users seamlessly through the platform’s features and functionalities. Specify the logical sequence of steps, interactions, and decision points. Consider user personas and their needs at each stage of […]

Design website navigation AI Prompt

Design a clear and user-friendly navigation for our website [Website Name] to enhance the user experience. Begin by assessing the websites content and structure. Create an intuitive navigation menu that organizes content logically and prioritizes key pages or sections. Specify menu labels, drop-down menus if applicable, and any additional navigation elements such as search bars […]

Create landing page design AI Prompt

Create attractive and user-friendly [Landing Page Designs] for our marketing campaigns. Start by defining the objectives and target audience of each landing page. Craft visually appealing and responsive designs that engage visitors and guide them toward desired actions, such as signing up, making a purchase, or filling out a form. Specify the layout, color scheme, […]

Develop information architecture AI Prompt

Develop a clear and effective information architecture for our platform [Platform Name] to improve navigation and usability. Start by conducting a thorough analysis of the platform’s content and user needs. Define the primary categories and subcategories of information that should be organized. Create a hierarchical structure that logically arranges content for easy access. Specify the […]

Conducting user research AI Prompt

Conduct user research to understand how users interact with our platform [Platform Name] and identify areas for improvement. Begin by defining the research objectives and the specific aspects of the platform to be evaluated. Develop a research plan that includes user surveys, interviews, and usability testing. Recruit a diverse group of users representative of our […]

Improve website usability AI Prompt

Improve website usability for [Website Name] to increase user satisfaction and reduce bounce rate. Begin by conducting a thorough usability assessment of the website, identifying pain points and areas for improvement. Create a plan to enhance navigation, layout, and content organization. Specify changes to improve mobile responsiveness and load times. Consider user feedback and implement […]

Create website style guide AI Prompt

Create a comprehensive style guide for [Website Name] to maintain consistency in design. Start by defining the core design elements, including typography, color palette, and visual elements, that represent our websites identity. Specify guidelines for layout, spacing, and alignment to ensure a uniform look and feel across all pages. Address responsive design principles for different […]

Visual Branding Strategy AI Prompt

Develop a visual branding strategy for our platform [Platform Name] to establish a strong brand identity and emotional connection with users. Define the brand’s values, personality, and unique selling proposition. Translate these into visual language with a distinctive color scheme, typography, imagery, and graphical elements. Ensure visual branding is consistently applied across all user touchpoints, […]

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All Prompts Categories


Explore AI-enhanced research prompts to streamline your data gathering and analysis, boosting efficiency and accuracy in your research endeavors.


Revolutionize learning and teaching strategies with AI-driven education prompts, enhancing engagement and comprehension in academic environments.

Email Marketing

Elevate your email marketing campaigns with AI prompts, designed to create compelling content that resonates with your audience.


Enhance user experience and interface design with AI prompts, aiding in the creation of intuitive and user-friendly digital products.


Boost your efficiency with productivity-focused AI prompts, streamlining workflows and enhancing time management across projects.

Influencer Marketing

Leverage AI prompts for innovative influencer marketing strategies, connecting with audiences effectively and authentically.


Harness the power of analytics with AI prompts, providing insights to guide data-driven decisions and strategies.


Empower your entrepreneurial journey with AI prompts, sparking innovative ideas and strategies for business growth and development.


Navigate legal complexities with AI prompts, offering guidance for compliance, documentation, and legal strategy formulation.


Unlock exceptional customer support with our curated prompts designed for support teams. Boost your service quality, enhance problem-solving skills, and deliver unforgettable customer experiences. I


Discover expert-crafted prompts tailored for agencies seeking innovative strategies and ideas. Perfect for marketing, design, and consulting firms aiming to enhance creativity and productivity.


Optimize your online presence with SEO-focused AI prompts, tailored to improve search rankings and drive organic traffic effectively.


Advance your engineering projects with AI prompts, fostering innovative solutions and efficient problem-solving.


Boost your sales tactics with AI-driven prompts, enhancing engagement and conversion rates through targeted strategies.


Reinvent your advertising efforts with AI prompts, crafting impactful campaigns that resonate with diverse audiences.

Social Media

Elevate your social media presence with AI prompts, creating engaging content that amplifies reach and engagement.


Refine your copywriting skills with AI prompts, producing compelling and persuasive content that captivates audiences.


Enrich your content creation process with AI prompts, generating innovative and relevant material for various platforms.

Project Management

Streamline project management with AI prompts, enhancing organization, collaboration, and execution in team projects.

Website Creation

Revolutionize website creation with AI prompts, guiding the development of visually appealing and user-centric websites.

Branding / Design

Reimagine branding and design with AI prompts, crafting unique identities and visuals that stand out in the market.


Develop winning strategies with AI prompts, offering guidance for effective planning and execution in business and marketing.


Transform your e-commerce strategies with AI prompts, driving sales and enhancing customer experiences in the digital marketplace.

Real Estate

Explore top-notch prompts for real estate professionals looking to elevate their marketing, sales, and property management strategies.