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Get a step-by-step guide for effective bug reporting with our customizable bug reporting template.

🐞 AI How to Submit a Bug Report Template

Describe & file bugs to streamline & simplify the process of fixing them.

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🐞 AI How to Submit a Bug Report Template

So you’re testing and/or using your product, and you find a bug. Before submitting a bug report, check out this list to make sure that you follow the right steps for filing an accurate report.

What Is a Bug Report?

A bug report is a document that explains a problem or error in a software product. It is given to the development team so that they can fix the issue.

A good bug report should have a clear and simple description of the problem, instructions for reproducing the issue, a description of the expected behavior and the actual behavior, information about the environment in which the issue occurred (such as the operating system and browser), and any relevant error messages or screenshots.

Who Is This Bug Report Template For?

This free Bug Report Template is useful for you especially when you come across bugs in your product. Keep this template handy so that you follow the best bug-reporting processes.

The more accurate your reporting is, the quicker it will be to squish the problem.

What Are Some Tips for Bug Reporting With This Template?

  1. Reproduce the bug: Try to reproduce the issue as many times as possible to get a clear understanding of the problem.
  2. Gather information: Collect information such as the steps to reproduce the bug, error messages, screenshots, and any relevant system details.
  3. Use a clear and concise title: Write a clear and concise title for the bug report to help others understand the issue at a glance.
  4. Describe the problem: Provide a detailed description of the problem, including steps to reproduce it, expected behavior, and any error messages received.
  5. Include relevant information: Include information such as the operating system, browser, and version you are using, as well as any relevant log files or screen shots.
  6. Prioritize: Classify the bug based on its severity, as this will help determine how quickly it should be fixed.
  7. Follow the process: Make sure to follow the bug reporting process outlined by the software development team or the bug tracking tool being used.
  8. Keep it updated: Keep the bug report updated with any new information or developments related to the issue.
  9. Be patient: It may take some time for the issue to be fixed, so be patient and remain respectful throughout the process.

How to Use This This Bug Report Template in Taskade

  1. Click “Use Template” to create a project instantly in your workspace.
  2. Click “Save Template” to create a reusable template for you and your team.
  3. Customize your project, make it your own, and get work done!

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